I Am The River,
The River Is Me
Impact Campaign
I Am The River, The River Is Me Impact Campaign
We began with a private screening for Dutch NGO’s and stakeholders working on climate change, climate justice, and rights of nature in the Netherlands at the EYE Film Museum before the film was released, attracting over 50 organizations. We partnered up with The Embassy of the North Sea as our Dutch impact partner to help orient us within the environmental justice and rights of nature space. We have a list of River Ambassadors now that represent the film at the community impact screenings and events we are hosting.
In New Zealand, our Māori collaborators in Whanganui are taking the lead in developing our impact campaign. This will have three parts: a) a knowledge bank based on the film that will break down and further explain Māori teachings in the film. It will be rolled out in Whanganui schools and then nation-wide in New Zealand. This can then be scaled up internationally as well. b) Community Outreach Screenings along the River. We will be fundraising for a mobile cinema soon. c) Policy level advocacy for the Rights of Nature. This will be led internationally by our impact partner Think Film who are targetting the 2025 COP in Belem Brazil as our main impact event.
Stay tuned with updates from our newsletter and our film website.
Ned Tapa with Petr & Corinne at the Activist Night at Movies that Matter